A website highlighting the collected works of "I Like To Play With Toys" Productions®.
Friday, March 31, 2023
2022 Eternal Con Randomness
Monday, March 27, 2023
Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise
Season 1
Episode 7 The Andorian Incident
There’s a lot to love in this episode. For starters we’re introduced to the Alien species the Andorians which have floated around in different Star Trek shows for years but never received any deep coverage. So we get to enjoy exactly what these aliens were like. Also, since it’s a prequel, they don’t necessarily have to be allies.
The Andorians attack a Vulcan monastery while Enterprise is paying a visit and keep the crew hostage. The Andorians believe the Vulcans have a hidden spy post there. Enterprise doesn’t believe them and fights back. During the scuffle the spy post is discovered. Captain Archer is pissed at the Vulcans for lying, gives the proof of the spy post to the Andorians and sends them on their way.
The Andorians come off as ruthless paranoid bullies who turn out to be right. That’s a nice twist. They start off as enemies and leave as possible friends. It also shows that Vulcans aren’t the most trusting. A far cry from the days of Spock and Captain Kirk.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®
Monday, March 20, 2023
Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise
Season 1
Episode 6 Terra Nova
Enterprise goes to visit a human space colony that Earth lost contact with a generation ago. The mythos is there was bad blood between the colony and Earth. Enterprise is hoping to mend fences. Instead they come across a bunch of people living underground who hate Earth and blame them for some sci-fi natural disaster. It’s just like the Star Trek Voyager Episode “Friendship 1” where Earth was blamed for the destruction of the planet because they wanted to invade or kill everyone. It’s almost identical with people living underground and a bunch of other tropes involving crew hostages and solutions on how to get the people off the planet but they eventually settle on a solution that lets the people stay on the planet.
It’s such a recycle, from a prior episode it’s painful to watch. How was this not caught in the pitch meeting? Ultimately this episode is a fail and worth skipping when watching the series.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®
Monday, March 13, 2023
Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise
Season 1
Episode 5 Unexpected
This comedic episode centers around Commander Tucker who helps some aliens perform repairs on their ship and accidentally gets pregnant. It’s not terrible, has funny moments. We get an episode featuring one of the more likeable characters of the series.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®
Monday, March 6, 2023
Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise
Season 1
Episode 4 Strange New World
The crew of Enterprise find an M class planet and in their overzealousness send a landing party on the planet prematurely and the crew gets infected with some pollen that makes them hallucinate and become paranoid. The Vulcan science officer T’Pol tries to caution the captain against diving head first but Captain Archer doesn’t heed her warnings.
The episode has some decent tension and a few good twists. At one point you really think Rock People are menacing the away party. The pollen paranoia is a nice twist. The real issue is humans should have learned this lesson years ago. While the warp 5 engine is new. Warp drive isn’t new. Therefore they were already exploring the galaxy at a smaller distance. Planet exploration protocols should have been established by this point, which just makes Captain Archer a complete moron who ignored them or Earth completely brain dead for not writing a policy sooner.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®