Monday, September 30, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 86 Daedalus


Doctor Emory Erickson tricks Enterprise into trying to save his missing son.  Enterprise finds out they have been duped but helps him anyway.  While doing a transport whammy jammy, they fail and his son dies. 


It’s another blender episode.  Much like the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode The Visitor where Benjamin Sisko keeps appearing at different points in his son’s Jake’s life.  That episode is touching and heartfelt.  It also has remnants of the Star Trek The Next Generation episode 11001001 where a bunch of aliens steal the Enterprise to trick them into saving them from dying.  It’s happened on countless episodes in every series.  


The redundancy of the plot makes this one a fail in an otherwise stellar season.  It’s as if the writers dusted off a script from season two and jammed it in for filler. 


Written by

Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Friday, September 27, 2024

BanGos - I'm Walking On Sunshine

 BanGos performing I'm Walking On Sunshine

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The DC Animated Universe Weekly Review - Batman: The Animated Series

 Batman: The Animated Series

Episode 31

The Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy


This is a solid episode to watch in first run but lacks the same pizazz in repeats.  It’s still fun though.   Batman is helping Commissioner Gordon track down some missing stolen McGuffin.  Batman knows Josiah Wormwood did it but cannot prove it.  So he tries to shakedown Baron Wacklaw Josek to get the information.  Josek then hires Wormwood to get Batman’s Cape and Cowl.  Wormwood agrees and through a series of elaborate traps eventually captures Batman’s Cape and Cowl.  Wormwood probably could have bought or fabricated his own but one can assume there’s something in the challenge.  Wormwood had a very Riddler style to Batman’s traps but that villain hadn’t shown up yet.  The big twist is Josek is really Batman (the real Josek was thoroughly scared out of town by Batman) and it was all a ploy to trick Wormwood into confessing how he pulled off the crime Commissioner Gordon was having Batman investigate.  A solid bate and switch too.  Since Wormwood confesses to a different crime all on his own, his lawyers cannot argue coercion or entrapment.  Batman did solicit Wormwood to commit a bunch of crimes to steal his Cape and Cowl but Wormwood isn’t prosecuted for that.


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Monday, September 23, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 85 KirShara


Commander Tucker in command of Enterprise along side Ambassador Soval warns the Andorians of a pending attack from Vulcan.  The Andorians are skeptical, secretly kidnap Soval, torture him, then believe him.  Earth and the Andorians head into space to confront the arriving Vulcan fleet.


Meanwhile on Vulcan Captain Archer is trying to take the Kir’Shara which has Suraks teachings to a Vulcan monastery.  T’Pol becomes cured of P’Nar symfrom by T’Pau who explains it’s the result of a dude who sucks at doing mind melds and not some incurable virus.   T’Pau melds with T’Pol and fixes her, ultimately curing her of Vulcan rape-AIDS.  A bunch of jerk Vulcans under the order of the High Command try to stop them.  T’Pol gets captured.  Archer changes his plan and heads off with T’Pau to rescue her.  


Archer and T’Pau infiltrate the Vulcan High Command and stop the Vulcan attack against the Andorians.  The head of the high command is removed from office.  The big reveal at the end shows he’s actually Romulan and they’ve been plotting to sabotage Vulcan for decades.  


What a great conclusion to a solid round of storytelling.  Seeing T’Pau in the three parter was a nice nod to the original series where we first meet her as a really old lady in AMOK time.  It’s another great "bridge the gap" series of episodes that allow Vulcans to evolve into the ones we know and love by the time of Star Trek the original series.  


The parallels between the Iraqi war being waged via false information after a tragic bombing and the Vulcans trying to wage war against Andoria after a tragic bombing based on false information speaks volumes.  A solid sci-fi allegory cautioning people/leaders to pause and review the evidence before rushing into action is a lesson no one has ever learned.   


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Friday, September 20, 2024

ATLAS Has No Map To Entertaining

This film got bashed by critics and rightfully so! A truly horrendous experience. There were moments in the film where I thought the critics might be overly cruel but those good moments are few and far between. I bore witness to some of the worst writing and acting in cinema. 

Jennifer Lopez plays a woman named Atlas who is ripping off a scene in Aliens by giving a bunch of space marines intel on an evil AI robot who wants to destroy humanity. She hates AI so much that of course circumstances cause her to have to climb inside a giant AI machine and befriend it to save humanity from extinction. 

She's left to carry an entire film with an AI named Smith, voiced by Gregory James Cohan, who has none of the flare Paul Rubens had when he did it in Flight of the Navigator. A much better story about a boy befriending a computer controlled machine. 

A better actress might have been able to salvage this film but Jennifer Lopez is not charismatic or talented enough. Jennifer Love Hewitt would have knocked it out of the park. JLo had no depth, no nuance to her performance, no believability. JLo in a mecha is so out of type, props for trying something different. But this seems more like a pay grab than a genuine attempt to branch out as an actress. 

Whoever thought her haircut was a good idea should be "unalived" as the Wokes say. It's an 80s big haircut without the volume. A horrible choice for her in general and certainly the wrong hair for sci-fi space battles. She couldn’t cut it in Winger with that hair let alone a sci-fi action cliche film. 

Additionally, her character is responsible for the death of 3 million people! The film tries to gloss over it, claiming she was a child when the big bad was created. She didn't know what she was doing....but she caused it. Characters don't get a pass in films when 3 million people die. She gets a pass somehow. Also the entire personal connection to antagonist is so ridiculous. Eye rollingly painful.

What could have saved this atrocity? Perhaps Jennifer Lopez as a low level hotel worker, a cleaning lady, she puts on the mecha at the urging of her coworkers when suddenly a random attack occurs. She is then forced to team up with the AI machine to win the love of Ralph Fiennes. Maid in a Mecha! 

I kept waiting for a Dunkin Donuts product placement to pop up. How is she a $400 million establishment?

Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The DC Animated Universe Weekly Review - Batman: The Animated Series

 Batman: The Animated Series

Episode 30

Perchance to Dream


Batman gets stuck in a dream world by the Mad Hatter where his deepest desires are given to him.  Bruce Wayne’s parents are still alive and he’s engaged to Selina Kyle.  Batman is a separate persona that fights crime.  Bruce/Batman figures out it’s a dream, jumps off the top of a building to wake up.  He wakes up, beats up the bad guys, confronts Mad Hatter.  Mad Hatter states he wanted Batman out of the way for ruining his life and so he can enact his plans without interference.  Hatter than cries like a giant wuss.  


Perchance to Dream is recycled in the Justice League Unlimited episode For the Man Who Has Everything.  This one works well but when they revisit the premise in JLU, it’s off the hook.   


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Monday, September 16, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 84 Awakening


Soval the Earth Ambassador for Vulcan gets fired for doing a mind meld to find out who is really behind the Earth embassy bombing.  He then teams up with Commander Tucker to warn the Andorians about a Vulcan invasion in hopes of stopping a war between the two species.  Tucker takes off to Andoria to try and stop the war.


Meanwhile Captian Archer is walking around Vulcan with the Katra of Surak in his brain.  He gets brain flashes to find the Kir’Shara. He finds the McGuffin and plans to bring it to Mt Selaya.  T’Pol’s mother is killed in a Vulcan bombing against the Syrrannites.


Another riveting episode that explores Vulcan lore and puts Enterprise in the middle of the action.  Archer walking around with the memories of Surak is a nice twist.  It adds a nice emotional investment in the action and amps up the stakes beyond him just being friends with T’Pol.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Friday, September 13, 2024

Bernie Madoff Changed Kevin Bacon's Career

Let's talk about Kevin Bacon.  We all know him as the beautiful 80s leading man who fought a small American town for the right to dance.  He also fought underground monster worms (graboids) in the surprise hit Tremors. No one can ever forget his stint as a medical student who would kill himself in five-minute intervals to learn he felt bad about teasing a kid from his childhood.  His best performance was as a college basketball coach trying to woo an African boy with no formal education into playing for his university. 

As he transitioned into the 90s his career shifted.  He wasn’t getting leading roles anymore but had a name which lead to key parts in big Hollywood films.  He pivoted his career so well no one really noticed he wasn’t the leading man actor anymore.   So you get Capt Jack Ross in A Few Good Men, astronaut Jack Swigert in Apollo 13, creepy evil child molester Nokes in Sleepers.  


What’s interesting about his career in the 90s is how much more dynamic his characters were.  As the leading man he played into a mold.  The young, brash, good-hearted hero.  His 90s work consisted of different characters. Not just Kevin Bacon with a new name in a sticky situation.

Then in the 2000s he pivots his career again and starts doing more artistic projects.  We’re not commenting on the quality of the final product but if you look at his roles there was an effort for delve into deeper subject matter. The critically acclaimed Mystic River, The Woodsman where he plays a convicted child molester trying to reintegrate into society after his prison term (played a child molester twice…yikes), He directed and acted alongside his wife in Loverboy which I honestly don’t know much about but the trailer for this drama makes it seem like it stemmed from an inside joke about parent rearing between the two.   Maybe he was chasing that Oscar or maybe he just wanted to take on a new acting challenge.


In 2008 the Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme is revealed.  Kevin Bacon is one of his victims.  No one really knows how much he lost but he took a pretty big hit.  Some estimate it could have been around $30 million.  This is where his career shifts again.  For the decade following, all he takes are payday films.  He’s popping up as the main villain in X-Men: First Class, a sleezeball boss in Crazy Stupid Love, he popped up in R.I.P.D.  He stars in a the Fox TV drama The Following (because TV series is steady work for actors).  In 2018 he returns to the Tremors franchise after almost 30 years.  

The lesson we can learn from this is; if you lose all your money make sure you’re famous enough to whore out your name to make a chunk of it back.   

Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The DC Animated Universe Weekly Review - Batman: The Animated Series

Batman: The Animated Series

Episode 29

Eternal Youth


Poison Ivy is turning rich people into plants.  She creates a fake spa, sends a video to Bruce Wayne offering a free weekend but Alfred and his girlfriend go in his place.  The couple returns home but have become addicted to the spa life and go back. Poison Ivy reveals herself and turns them into plants.  Batman shows up and saves everyone.  


The main problem with this episode is that Ivy appears in the spa promotion video.  It would take a second to realize it’s her.  The worlds greatest detective and his butler shouldn't have had a problem figuring this out.  It’s a big plot hole, huge. The episode works well everywhere else you really have to suspend your disbelief.   


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Monday, September 9, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 83 The Forge


The Earth embassy is bombed on the planet Vulcan and Enterprise is sent to investigate.  A fringe group of Vulans called the Syrrannites are accused of the bombing.  Enterprise determines they are being framed.  Captain Archer and T’Pol secretly beam down to Vulcan to investigate.  They unknowingly meet the head Syrrannite Arev who gets seriously injured in a sandstorm and mind melds with Archer giving him his Katra.  Archer is then able to lead T’Pol to the Syrrannites where they are quickly captured. 

To be continued.


This is great setup to turmoil on Vulcan and their political system.  In all other Star Trek series Vulcans have their shit together but here there is some genuine turmoil.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Friday, September 6, 2024

Why Marty McFly's Personality Changed Between Back to the Future 1 and 2

 "One other thing. If you guys ever have kids, and one of them, when he's eight years old, accidentally sets fire to the living room rug … go easy on him." 

This one little request changed the trajectory of Marty McFly. The events surrounding the living room fire are never revealed but one can postulate it changed time and Marty's personality for the worse. He was likely dared or challenged to play with matches or some other combustible material which caused the rug to catch fire.  

In the original timeline his parents issued a severe punishment and he learned not to give into people's taunts of courage. His father was a low-level office worker who never stood up to anyone. He was a pacifist, never worried about people's opinion. As a nerd in high school there was no one lower on the totem poll. George McFly knew he wanted his children to be better than him and instilled a solid sense of self, despite his own human failings. 


In the rewritten timeline, successful writer George McFly wins over the favor of all by standing up to the school bully Biff Tanen. George's entire history changed in that one moment. He grew into a man full of confidence. He raised children that were professionally successful. He owned a home ordained with material possessions showing off his success. He became a successful author and pushed his children to accomplish anything as long as equal effort was applied. 

That message gave Marty a false sense of self instead of the true sense the original Marty had. At a key moment in Marty’s life he would have learned the difference. George and Lorraine altered what was likely the worst childhood punishment Marty ever received and watered it down. Along with Marty's words, George went soft because he had a different perception on how public perception can change a person’s path and Lorraine had subconsciously conflicted feelings due to Marty’s odd resemblance to an old high school crush.

When we meet-up with Marty in Back to the Future II his personality has slightly shifted. He went from being the McFly child with the most potential to the dreg that sleeps in his clothes. His brother is a workaholic who’s trekking to the office in a full suit on a Saturday. His sister is implied to be so promiscuous that her older brother cannot keep count of her many male companions. And then we have Marty. 

Marty’s personality may appear to be the same as the original timeline but he’s now developed a temper. He’s easily manipulated into compromising situations over the tiniest offense against his ego. He’s destined to destroy his promising music career, have a shotgun wedding, have a failed career in in office work. He’s become the George McFly of the original timeline. But original George made certain his kid’s wouldn’t become him. While they may not have been financially successful, they were honest individuals and independent in their personalities. These new kids spent their lives chasing the success of their dad. They all became destined to forever fall short of their father, prestigious author George McFly. 


This is how Marty McFly’s personality was altered between the first Back to the Future and its sequels.

Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The DC Animated Universe Weekly Review - Batman: The Animated Series

Batman: The Animated Series

Episode 28

Dreams in Darkness


Another great episode, Batman gets thrown in Arkham Asylum after getting exposed to Scarecrow’s fear toxin.  The cure is a shot that will knock him out for a few days. But Scarecrow is poisoning the water supply and Batman needs to stop him ASAP.  The doctors at Arkham don’t believe him and conveniently won’t take off his mask because they are concerned it will cause catatonia.  Batman bust lose, defeats Scarecrow while under the toxin.  Alfred then gives Batman the shot in the comfort of the…Batcave.   The cold, drafty, damp, Batcave.


There’s a lot of great action in this episode and the questioning of Batman’s sanity is amazing.  The excuse to keep his mask on works well enough.  There’s a reference to Joker having the name Jack Napier which is the same name he has in the Tim Burton film but later episodes reveal it’s just one of many aliases the Joker uses.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®

Monday, September 2, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 82 The Augments


Enterprise stops the viruses from being released but the Augments stole a bunch more.  The main bad Augment Malik wants to blow up a torpedo in the atmosphere of a Klingon colony which will kill millions and start a war between humans and Klingons.  Soong is against this, he then starts trying to alter the embryos they stole to make them less aggressive murdering psychos.  So the Augments confine him to quarters.  One of the female Augments feels bad and bust Soong out, allowing him to flee in an escape pod.  Enterprise picks up Soong who decides to help Enterprise stop the Augments from killing millions and causing a war.  In the process all the Augments are killed in a space battle with Enterprise. Soong is returned to prison and decides to devote his mental genius to robotics stating it will take generations to perfect.  Thus setting the stage for one of his decedents to create Data.  


An awesome conclusion to a great story arc.  The entire concept was implemented perfectly from start to finish.   The callback to Star Trek: The Original Series is stellar.  It even discusses Kahn and the Botany Bay. Adding Brent Spiner who played Data as a guest star was a nice addition.  It’s absolutely one of the best story arcs of the season.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®