Monday, July 15, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 3

Episode 75 Countdown


Enterprise and friends are in pursuit of the Xindi weapon controlled by the Reptilians.  Archer convinces the Xindi Aquatics to join the fight on his side by promising to destroy the spheres that cause all the special anomalies in that region of space.  It’s a powerful moment.  At the start of the season Enterprise enters the Delphic Expanse alone with no clue how to contact the Xindi or any real idea how to stop them.  Through diplomacy he’s able to win over 3 of the 5 and get them to fight by his side to save Earth.  It’s a theme worthy of Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future.  It took a long time to build-up to this moment but credit to the writers for crafting this part of the story and its payoff. 


The Reptilians use a mind whammy on the kidnapped Ensign Sato to arm the super weapon and head off to destroy Earth.  While trying to rescue Sato, Major Hayes gets killed.  It’s a bummer because he was a cool character, though under utilized along with the rest of the MACOs.  


The Reptilians head to Earth with the weapon which forces everyone to split up.  Archer takes Degra’s ship along with a bunch of Xindi ships to stop the Reptilians.  T’Pol takes Enterprise to destroy the spheres in the Delphic Expanse.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®