Season 4
Episode 79 Home
It’s almost a requirement that Star Trek have a “mellow-out” or “wrap-up” episode after a story arc that spanned over an entire season. This episode is very reminiscent of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Family. The difference here is that TNG’s episode was actually very thought provoking, sentimental, and one of the best Star Trek episodes ever made. Home never quit reaches that mark. It tries very hard to have the same heart as Family but can’t seem to recapture the brilliance. A lot of this could be blamed on the lack of character depth Enterprise had. It’s three best characters are Captain Archer, T’Pol, and Commander Tucker. Tucker and T’Pol are sharing their own storyline together. Archer is all bitter from his experience with the Xindi. No one really learns a lesson or grows in this episode. They just get though their PTSD while the ship gets repaired. Then we’re ready for the next set of adventures.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®