Monday, November 4, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 91 Affliction


Dr Phlox is kidnapped by Klingons who made Augments of their own but with disastrous consequences.  They need his help to stop a super virus.  Commander Tucker leaves Enterprise because he’s heart broken about breaking up with T’Pol.  While Enterprise is searching for Phlox, Augmented Klingons board Enterprise and sabotage the engines.  The episode ends on a Speed cliffhanger where the engine won’t turn off and they cant slowdown.  


Bringing back the Augment storyline is a great idea.  Incorporating the Klingon into the fold is a great twist.  The ramifications to the entire Star Trek universe actually clears up some inconsistencies that were made due to budget limitations of the 1960s. 


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®