This film got bashed by critics and rightfully so! A truly horrendous experience. There were moments in the film where I thought the critics might be overly cruel but those good moments are few and far between. I bore witness to some of the worst writing and acting in cinema.
Jennifer Lopez plays a woman named Atlas who is ripping off a scene in Aliens by giving a bunch of space marines intel on an evil AI robot who wants to destroy humanity. She hates AI so much that of course circumstances cause her to have to climb inside a giant AI machine and befriend it to save humanity from extinction.
She's left to carry an entire film with an AI named Smith, voiced by Gregory James Cohan, who has none of the flare Paul Rubens had when he did it in Flight of the Navigator. A much better story about a boy befriending a computer controlled machine.
A better actress might have been able to salvage this film but Jennifer Lopez is not charismatic or talented enough. Jennifer Love Hewitt would have knocked it out of the park. JLo had no depth, no nuance to her performance, no believability. JLo in a mecha is so out of type, props for trying something different. But this seems more like a pay grab than a genuine attempt to branch out as an actress.
Whoever thought her haircut was a good idea should be "unalived" as the Wokes say. It's an 80s big haircut without the volume. A horrible choice for her in general and certainly the wrong hair for sci-fi space battles. She couldn’t cut it in Winger with that hair let alone a sci-fi action cliche film.
Additionally, her character is responsible for the death of 3 million people! The film tries to gloss over it, claiming she was a child when the big bad was created. She didn't know what she was doing....but she caused it. Characters don't get a pass in films when 3 million people die. She gets a pass somehow. Also the entire personal connection to antagonist is so ridiculous. Eye rollingly painful.
What could have saved this atrocity? Perhaps Jennifer Lopez as a low level hotel worker, a cleaning lady, she puts on the mecha at the urging of her coworkers when suddenly a random attack occurs. She is then forced to team up with the AI machine to win the love of Ralph Fiennes. Maid in a Mecha!
I kept waiting for a Dunkin Donuts product placement to pop up. How is she a $400 million establishment?
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®