Monday, September 23, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 85 KirShara


Commander Tucker in command of Enterprise along side Ambassador Soval warns the Andorians of a pending attack from Vulcan.  The Andorians are skeptical, secretly kidnap Soval, torture him, then believe him.  Earth and the Andorians head into space to confront the arriving Vulcan fleet.


Meanwhile on Vulcan Captain Archer is trying to take the Kir’Shara which has Suraks teachings to a Vulcan monastery.  T’Pol becomes cured of P’Nar symfrom by T’Pau who explains it’s the result of a dude who sucks at doing mind melds and not some incurable virus.   T’Pau melds with T’Pol and fixes her, ultimately curing her of Vulcan rape-AIDS.  A bunch of jerk Vulcans under the order of the High Command try to stop them.  T’Pol gets captured.  Archer changes his plan and heads off with T’Pau to rescue her.  


Archer and T’Pau infiltrate the Vulcan High Command and stop the Vulcan attack against the Andorians.  The head of the high command is removed from office.  The big reveal at the end shows he’s actually Romulan and they’ve been plotting to sabotage Vulcan for decades.  


What a great conclusion to a solid round of storytelling.  Seeing T’Pau in the three parter was a nice nod to the original series where we first meet her as a really old lady in AMOK time.  It’s another great "bridge the gap" series of episodes that allow Vulcans to evolve into the ones we know and love by the time of Star Trek the original series.  


The parallels between the Iraqi war being waged via false information after a tragic bombing and the Vulcans trying to wage war against Andoria after a tragic bombing based on false information speaks volumes.  A solid sci-fi allegory cautioning people/leaders to pause and review the evidence before rushing into action is a lesson no one has ever learned.   


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®