Season 4
Episode 87 Observer Effect
A great stand-alone episode! The Enterprise encounters a virus they cannot cure while an alien race called the Organians secretly observe them trying to fight it. Archer convinces the Organians their approach is wrong. While he agrees with non-interference, their choice not to warn people the planet has a deadly virus is wrong. His speech is so moving the Organians change their ways and cure and or revive everyone on Enterprise infected with the virus. They wipe everyone’s minds of the memory of the Organians and state they will prep to make first contact with them in 100 or so years.
The Organians are from Star Trek the original series. We see them in the episode Errand of Mercy. They are omnipotent benevolent alien pacifists who prevent the Klingons and Federation from going to war. A great and unexpected callback to the original series. The episodes bridging the gap were always amazing. The episode has great sentiment and suspense. A win in the series.
Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®