Monday, October 21, 2024

Episode by Episode - Star Trek: Enterprise

Season 4

Episode 89 United


Commander Tucker and Lieutenant Reed are trapped on the drone ship and are actively working to try to disable it with no real success.  The ship is running around emitting holoprojections that it's Enterprise and causing lots of problems.  


Meanwhile on Enterprise Captain Archer and friends devise a way to expose the fake ship but he needs the help of Andorians, Tellarites.  But one of the Tellarites killed Shran’s lover so he challenges him to a fight to the death and Archer agrees to fight in his place.


A fairly cool fight sequence takes place, Archer wins by cutting off one of Shraan’s antenna.  Which apparently counts as a win in the Andorian culture.  It’s a Star Trek series requirement to have fights to the death which don’t end in an actual death.  The original series had Amok Time, Deep Space Nine had Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places, The Next Generation had Code of Honor, Voyager had the gladiator rip-off Tsunkatse.  Luckily this trope was well done on Enterprise and only a small part of a larger story arc. 


Archer gets his fleet to expose the fake ship.  They rescue Tucker and Reed.  The ship heads back to Romulan space.  Negotiations between the Andorians and Tellarites commence. It’s the first step in creating a United Federation of Planets.  


Written by
Joseph Ammendolea
“I Like To Play With Toys” Productions®